Chain Gang?

How utterly mean.

I can just imagine the people staking out this crime scene. Every day sipping their coffee saying, “Are they done yet?” “No, the big guy got a little further, but the weasley looking guy’s been slacking off. Give it another month.”

Then BAM! I guess maybe the officials have plans to use it in the future and this way it was free labor.

DynaBLocater my ass

At work we have a web blocker so that we can’t view things like game sites, porn, videos, etc. Understandable, although I get annoyed on the video part since sometimes it may be a video I actually want to watch for work (i.e. medical video for educational content). Okay, maybe I’m full of shit on that one, but the possibility is there.

Today with a little extra time on my hands after having a heated discussion at work with some Psychiatrists about how they think Tom Cruise is acting Manic (in the clinical sense), I decided to peruse the web for scientology.

Guess what? Our web blocker, WebWasher, doesn’t think it’s apppropriate for me to go to the Official Church of Scientology site. But I had no problem going to the Catholic websites. Hmm… I don’t know whether I’m furious at the selective blocking or secretly pleased that it had the good sense to treat the Scientology site like Entertainment/multimedia/porn/garbage.

Photoshop Contest

A picture of a bathroom was circulating around the dreaded email circuit (you know the circuit, where friends you hardly talk to still insist on forwarding you jokes). The bathroom claimed to have a painted floor where it looks like sky with a man falling. Thanks to Snopes, the Urban Legend Website, this was proved obviously fake. But the cool thing is, it was part of a Photoshop contest where everyone was supposed to take the picture of the bathroom and make it look different, just using photoshop. Check it out. Kind of cool

The Contest

I’m special and you could be too

I’m hoping the infamous web guru in our circle, Mr. Kables himself, has not already blogged about this because I am so excited that I found it. I’ve discovered quite easily how to make a cute little picture icon for my website appear when people bookmark me or make me a favorite. Presently, I’m not too happy with my icon picture, but as I redesign my site, I’ll make a better one. It may end up being a simple KT, but damnitall if I’m not going to use it while waiting for my genius to take hold.

Here’s the secret. Visit Favicon and follow the instructions.

Portland. The city that makes you wanna quit your job.

As you can see I have a new format for my blog. You may recognize the layout because it is the generic WordPress layout as you can see on Joey’s blog. I’ll be personalizing it soon.

A great trip to Portland and our cult leader KB brought about:

    -a transfer from MT to WP
    -a subscription to metafilter
    -two pairs of great pants from REI only to discover I had a $100 dividend I didn’t know about.
    -consumption of the best oatmeal from Kornblatts
    -cheese tasting at the gourmet City Market followed by purchase of great cheese and a bottle of 2001 Tedeschi’s Capitel Dei Nicalo Valpolicella which I consumed myself
    -the traditional new cd that I let Kris pick out for me
    -my first viewing of Kill Bill (awesome!)
    -the popping of my Halo2 cherry (I suck at it)
    -a personal one on one tutorial in PhotoShop from the guru himself
    -and of course the obligatory trip to Powell’s where I walked out with some great books including “The Phantom Tollbooth” which Kris bought for me (thanks Kris!)

Ah yes, a great visit as usual and much needed. But speaking of childhood books and memories (Kris bought me the book because he couldn’t believe I hadn’t read it and I can’t believe it either), I found out something interesting regarding an old childhood song I used to sing all the time.

When I was a little girl my mom would teach us songs and sing with us a lot. At least I remember doing this before I was old enough to go to Montessori and maybe a little after. One of my favorites was “Aloutte” which was in french but I managed to learn it anyway. Of course now upon reading it I realize that I had butchered the language and in my head it looked entirely different. 🙂 Regardless, the bigger shock was what the translation was. Check it out.

Resurfacing Shark Obsession

Some of you may know that when I was a kid and even well into my adult years I was fascinated by sharks. I would collect National Geographics featuring sharks, I participated in debates about why sharks are amazing creatures (4th and 5th grade), and I loved watching movies and specials about them.

The funny thing is I was terrified of them. That was part of the appeal. I think because I viewed them as untouchable, in another world from mine, knowing if I swam with them (as was a fantasy of mine) I would be extremely vulnerable and it would probably end badly, ultimately this drew me to them and made me respect and admire them. So blah blah blah. I love sharks.

My sister Maddy has the same fear and fascination so when we went to Hawaii recently it took a lot to get the both of us to stop freaking out about the recent shark attack and just enjoy the water. So in honor of that fear, this link is for you, Maddy. I stumbled upon it and was pulled in for a good half hour figuring out where I’m probably not going to swim.

Recent Shark Attacks

So here’s to Sharks and my uncomfortable strange obsession with them.

Guilty Conscience

Growing up Catholic taught me many things. The first and foremost is how to feel guilty…for everything. Even for not blogging. I was thinking about this today and I started to wonder. My parents are notorious for not pushing religion on us or making it a big part of our lives. We went to church up until I got a job in high school and then that was it. But then there are times when they will suddenly throw a Catholic term out there that I’ve never heard before. I often forget they spent their entire lives in Catholic school and they often forget that I did not.

A few years ago when I came back from an exhausting trip moving Tonja to California and then back up again in a matter of four days, my parents told me, “Well, just think of all the hours of indulgences you earned.” This was met with my vacant stare. “Hours of what?” To their dismay, I knew nothing of this so-called reward for good deeds. From what I’ve gathered, we are all going to spend quite a bit of time in purgatory awaiting our entrance into heaven. By being a good person and doing right by god, you earn hours of indulgences, which translate into less time spent in purgatory. Now if I am wrong about this definition you can blame either my parents or my lack of listening to my parents. (Sidenote: I looked it up and if you read further down on this link it describes a similar idea.)

So, this brings us back to my blog. I feel guilty that I have had so much to say yet I have neglected my blog for almost two weeks. It’s sickening. The saddest part of all this is the fact I have now convinced myself that there is a place in purgatory especially for pathetic bloggers. In fact, instead of earning hours of indulgences, I believe for every day I don’t blog I will exponentially gain another day in purgatory. This is my plight.

Now for those who really know me, this all means nothing. The guilt I have is real, it’s achingly tangible, but I do not truly believe there is anything beyond this world that will punish me for the guilt I feel now. I believe the guilt is punishment enough. If you understood the effect guilt has had on me in my life, you would agree. Jeff and Scott always told me that I needed to stop feeling so guilty about things (i.e. not making it to someone’s party, not remembering things about people, not helping enough with something, not being able to pick someone up at the airport). Of course, both of them only said this when it involved the guilt I felt over other people, not them. Isn’t that always the way.

This was going to be an entry about my new amazing 30GB IPOD, but I will save that for tomorrow. Tonight I am working on instructions for The Toft Family website so my family members can upload pictures. Just ask Kris. I went about it the entirely wrong way. Don’t ever create instructions with pictures in a Word document if you intend on making it something like a webpage. Thank god for Scott B.’s class on making Word documents into PDF’s.

Now I must fill my gut because my guilt has eaten away at me and I am starving.

Unemployment Pick me up

I have been wanting to mention this great site for almost a year. When I was taking that Authorware class, a few coworkers told me to ask the teacher about Odd Todd. If you were watching the news the other night, you probably saw them reference it as one of the subterranean websites that’s getting a lot of hits. I wanted to give my own thumbs up to it and send each of you there to peruse.

Basically, this guy got laid off and made these flash videos about being unemployed. Now he has about 30 videos to watch and merchandise to purchase. I swear I’m going to get me a cof-fay mug. Check it out, but be warned: it may not be worth trying over dial-up. Big flash movies. Maybe download them first and then watch. Start from the first and move on.

This always makes me smile. And all you who have heard me say “cof-fay!” will now understand why.