DynaBLocater my ass

At work we have a web blocker so that we can’t view things like game sites, porn, videos, etc. Understandable, although I get annoyed on the video part since sometimes it may be a video I actually want to watch for work (i.e. medical video for educational content). Okay, maybe I’m full of shit on that one, but the possibility is there.

Today with a little extra time on my hands after having a heated discussion at work with some Psychiatrists about how they think Tom Cruise is acting Manic (in the clinical sense), I decided to peruse the web for scientology.

Guess what? Our web blocker, WebWasher, doesn’t think it’s apppropriate for me to go to the Official Church of Scientology site. But I had no problem going to the Catholic websites. Hmm… I don’t know whether I’m furious at the selective blocking or secretly pleased that it had the good sense to treat the Scientology site like Entertainment/multimedia/porn/garbage.

Pet Peeve of the Day

Tell me the same story you told me a year ago, and then again six months ago, about how a doctor refused to learn the computer system and how you saw it as a challenge. Then tell me how you were successful in teaching him to love it. Or how he said “You should be a refrigerator salesman. I would have bought four!”

And be sure to use this as the example every time someone brings up what we do for a living or when I’m trying to describe my frustration with certain “positions” spitting new information at doctors when they don’t know how to teach.

You see, the reason you don’t hear the rest of us telling stories like yours is because we do that every fucking day. That’s our job. You are not uniquely talented.

And quite frankly, “you-who-poses-as-a-teacher”, you suck shit at teaching.

Disabled Parking for your Bum

As you know, I have a thing about bathrooms. Working in Redmond this month, when I visit the restroom (delicately put) I keep using the first stall. If you recall from my previous entry, I usually prefer the second stall. So yesterday I realized that my whole decision to use the first stall was based on false observations.

The first time I entered this bathroom I thought there were two stalls. The first stall, normal size (which is small, we’re talking “knees hitting the door” small), then the second stall, a disabled stall (lusciously large, begging for a loveseat and barista service). But as I said, my whole day to day bathroom visits for the last three weeks have been shaken up a bit, because I discovered I was overlooking a second stall in between the first and the disabled ones. How could this be? How could I have glazed over a second stall, a stall I normally seek out?

At this point I realize I can’t change what I’ve been doing, so I am continuing to use the first stall. It’s my stall now. If I switched stalls I feel I would be insulting the first stall, as if to say, “My ass has found better space.”

But wait, this isn’t why I’m writing this entry. I want to discuss the disabled stall. I never use a disabled stall unless I need to change clothes (which is hard because you never want your stuff to touch the bathroom floor) or if there is a long line in the bathroom and that’s the next one open (and even then I only do it because the people behind me pressure me into it). Why you ask? I’ll tell you why.

Once upon a time, I was waiting my turn in line. You know, the typical 30-women-long line at say a movie theatre, baseball game, or Air Supply concert. So I’m successfully avoiding eye contact with anyone and trying not to catch my reflection in the mirror, when a woman in a wheelchair rolls by us all. She pulls up to the disabled stall and waits for the woman in there to exit. What do you think happens next? If you are guessing that the woman in the stall walks out on her own two feet, unencumbered by crutches or a wheelchair, very much healthy and able, and if you are guessing that the woman in the wheelchair begins to lecture the entire line of us about how the disabled stall is only for the disabled and how dare we have the audacity to use this stall, and if you are guessing that we all hung our heads in shame knowing we have all used those stalls without abandon in our lives, then my dear, you have hit the nail on the head.

So here I am today in a small restroom, hovering over my non-disabled toilet, now fully aware there is another non-disabled stall available, when I hear a perfectly abled woman go into the disabled stall. I’m torn. General bathroom protocol is do not go into the stall right next to an occupied one if you can help it, but what if the only other option is the disabled stall?

Are we to believe that disabled bathroom stalls are the equivalent of disabled parking? I’ve tried to theory this out, working in all the variables, but I need guidance and opinions. Bring it on.

Top Ramen in an empty living room

I’m not sure why I haven’t been blogging about something big that’s happening in my life. I’d say there seems to be a trend that really important BIG days don’t get blogged about. For example, Dave and John’s wedding. That will probably be the wedding of my life. I doubt my sisters will get married and I don’t see me getting married. My parents were at the wedding and a good deal of the people I care about. Two men who I trust with my life started their lives together and I have to say it was one fucking unbelievable wedding.

I’m not into weddings. It’s just not my thing. When I go, I usually have more fun the night before when we are all out drinking and partying away with the excuse that it’s the last night for them to be single. But in this case the wedding itself was one of the most enjoyable days of my life. Quite possibly one of the biggest days of my life. How sad is that?

So why no blog? I guess it could be I keep some things private. Or it could be that I am so busy enjoying or going through the big stuff that I just don’t have time to sit down and write about it until it’s long over and then I feel like it’s too late.

But with the wedding, I think I was just worried I wouldn’t do it justice. It’s easy to write throw away entries on tea and ordering at a restaurant, but when you go to write about something that was unforgettable, suddenly you don’t think you are up to the task. And quite frankly, unless you know all of us or the grooms, you may not find it as special or interesting as I do.

So what is the new big thing, you’re asking?

What is it that has caused me to be stressed out, tired, excited, distracted, emotional, and just plain schizophrenic?

What has caused my cell phone minutes to run out and my email box to be overloaded?

What crazy thing am I doing now?

What am I doing that is going to drastically change my lifestyle?

What could make me eat tunafish out of a can instead of Mashikos at the sushi bar?

I just put an offer on a house.

Bright Copper Kettles

After a regrettably pathetic drunk display a few weekends ago, I was feeling like a vessel of poison. After wandering around the store looking for the Ruby Red Grapefruit Tea already featured as a Favorite, I discovered Triple Leaf Detox Tea. It sounded divine, even if it is a crock of shit.

Things it claims:

  • Supports healthy function of the liver, kidneys, lungs, and blood.
  • Cleanses your body of toxins
  • Promotes clear, healthy skin.
  • Increases the flow of energy (chi) to the body and mind, thereby promoting calmer, more positive and peaceful emotions.

I’m still waiting for the positive emotions to kick in, but maybe that’s how Bright Copper Kettles was born since I started this feature post-detox tea purchase.

Truth be told, I love the flavor and it definitely doesn’t make me feel any worse. I’ve always figured if I like something and it’s supposed to be good for me, whether it really has a positive effect on my health or not, it can’t hurt. I’ve started almost every morning with it for the last two weeks.

Pet Peeve of the Day

If I order an appetizer it means I’m friggin’ hungry and I would like to have a little bite before the rest of my food comes, so don’t fucking bring me my appetizer WITH my dinner or even worse, a few minutes after you’ve already brought my food. Are we clear?

If you’re running behind ask me if I still want it. Chances are I’ll say ‘Hell no.’ We all know that we shouldn’t order an appetizer anyway because then we’re not hungry enough for dinner so if you bring it with my dinner it’s as if I ordered TWO dinners. Jesus people.

(Afterthought: and if I ask for dipping sauce for something, most likely it’s because I don’t want to eat what I have without the sauce. Know what this means? If you don’t bring it to me until the end of the meal, my food will be cold because I’ve waited. Or if I couldn’t wait, then I’m one cranky bitch because I just ate a meal without a key ingredient. Anyone who knows me knows it’s all about the sauces. I order based on sauces and side dishes.)