Preoccupied with the Occupation of the White House

Two days until the Election.

I haven’t written in a while and I think I mostly have been sleep-walking my way through my job, onto and off of the ferry, sometimes staying over, sometimes going home, running off to my 10 year high school reunion the weekend after running up to Canada to see Annie Lennox and Sting with my dear friends Dave and John, only to discover that I have two days until the bitter end of what will probably be another stolen election.

Because of this I’m feeling guilty. Guilty for not doing more to get the word out that Bush needs to go. The word that although Kerry may not be our ideal candidate, he is our only option and not a bad one. I have to admit that I was lacking in motivation when Dean fell out of the race and Kerry took the reins, but as soon as the debates aired (which I only listened to on NPR and did not watch) I decided that Kerry was now getting my support not just as a forced “must get Bush out” vote, but also as a true “this guy just may have what we need right now” kind of vote. Or maybe I just really need to believe that is true. (And all this without even seeing Bush’s smirking face and juvenile behavior during the debates.)

So, with that said, I have volunteered my time on Election Day. I’ll probably be picking up democrats who can’t get around on their own and driving them to the polls. I already sent in my absentee ballot, but I have a really bad feeling about how this is going to turn out.

My faith is that the college students who are always looking for a cause to get hot and bothered about will bombard the polls on Tuesday and do us proud. In the past, that demographic has failed to step up. Now’s the time.

But to the rest of you, if you think that you could take off work on Tuesday or call in sick, PLEASE do so and volunteer your time. We need every vote we can get.

Washington State Democrats Volunteer Page
Kerry-Edwards Volunteer Center

Although, I predict a replay of the last election. Bush’s grinning, snearing face and pompous “how dare you question me” attitude, makes me feel like he knows he has this race bought and paid for.