“Underwear in my backpocket, sure sign of the morning after”

I had one of my worst days yesterday. Found out I didn’t get a job I have been dreaming about since May. Two close friends of mine got the job over me, which is a whole new kind of confusing: feeling of disappointment for me but happiness for them mixed with trying to read this manual on how to cut someone’s brake lines. Talk about confusing. No matter how hard you try to prepare yourself you can never really know how it’s going to hit you until it happens. Kris and Shoshana, remember our Superpower discussion? One of my superpowers was getting every job I ever interviewed for. A much more useful super power than my text messaging and typing power. Alas, the glorious reign has ended.

On a more humorous note, since I looked and felt like crap all day yesterday I decided to dress up today so I can try that whole “Look good on the outside and maybe it will help me feel good on the inside” dealio. I may have made that up, but I have a sneaking suspicion my mom whispered it into my crib at night. Needless to say, I looked good today and felt much better. I forgot my blue shirt which immediately makes people think you are dressed up, but I also had a skirt on and ass-kickin’ boots, as well as a little mascara (gasp!). Many a compliment was given to me throughout the day and my spirits were lifting. I honestly couldn’t believe how much better I was handling things today in comparison to yesterday’s hourly cry in the bathroom and clothes that smelt like a bar (had to drink my sorrows away a bit the night before).

Even as I was walking to use the restroom for its actual purpose instead of as a giant kleenex, I thought to myself, “You’ve made it through and you’re over it. You’ve pulled your shit together. Well done, Toftie.” A few minutes later I was looking down at my underwear around my knees (they’re never really at your ankles) and thought, “Well, Toft, you spoke too soon.” Underwear on inside out. Underneath it all…I was still a mess.

18 thoughts on ““Underwear in my backpocket, sure sign of the morning after”

  1. Joey says:

    LOL…I’m sorry KT, I got a nice chuckle at the end there. Sorry about the job. Been there. Chin up and remember, “when ever someone shuts a door, another window always opens up.” (or some wacky saying that probably came out of Maria VanTrapps mouth) I love ya girl! Let’s have that dinner party! (Gotta win my money back at some Texas Hold’em!!)

  2. ap says:

    Women above age 12 or so should wear mascara everyday.
    Especially if they are gainfully employed and or must come into contact with others. unless, of course they work in a blacksmiths shop or something like that or they run some kind of large creepy machine that makes noise and has smoke coming out of it. Those women of course would not wear mascara and never will and may in fact not be women. I implore all women to wear mascara, lipstick/lipgloss, eyeshadow,false lashes, blush, wigs(especially those sparkly ones), glitter,
    pefume/cologne on a daily basis. Skirts are fine as are short skirts and dresses as well as fishnet hosiery of any weave although I find larger weaves are better for officing.
    I regret learning that the author employs the “inside out” method for extended underwear use. I have heard mention of this and have consulted with female experts and they concur that this is a somewhat gross and unhygenic practice. In addition, a smelt is a fish, and ladies of any age should not wear ‘ass-kickin’ boots’ unless they are running prev. described machinery

  3. kt says:

    Okay, for the record, the underwear was brand new and not an extended wear situation. That was the horror of it.

    And for once in my life my English degree comes through to kick your ass and say that smelt and smelled are both acceptable. Smelt is just slightly british.

  4. ap says:

    being ‘slightly british’ I knew that. I’m simply asking that you immediately refrain from using either ever again. You seem very angry here and preoccupied with ‘ass kicking’ -coincidentally another ‘slightly british’ term. Although, you’re cute when you’re mad

  5. Natalie says:

    I’m sorry about the job KT! To the extent that I have any “superpowers” they are definitely in my academic/career life and so can definitely understand what that would feel like. Not to mention the added complication of your friends getting the job – that’s rough. I, too, find that getting a little gussied up can help lift your spirits and don’t think the inside out undies are too big a gaff – at least you remembered undies in the first place! Nice Ani quote, by the way.

    Also, since I didn’t comment on the kitchen post, I’m totally jealous of your gorgeous kitchen and hope you put it to good use once you get home and get settled in. It looks great for entertaining! And I would SO totally marry Seattle!

  6. The Goat says:

    Sorry about the job, KT 🙁 I’m going through that whole process myself, and it’s really stressing me out…

    I agree with AP that all y’all chicks should be getting dolled up more often as well… would make the world a more pleasant place 🙂

  7. Luke says:

    I might be in the minority here, but I contest that there is nothing more sexy in the world than a girl first thing in the morning, with hair tussed, eyes baggy, wearing flannel pajamas. Am I crazy here?

  8. kt says:

    Then i’m perfect for you, only instead of flannel it’s usually a tanktop and undies.

  9. ap says:

    hey just tryin to move my hump.

  10. ap says:

    fine, but lose the tanktop and No thongs. Then you’re perfect.

  11. kt says:

    I’ve never worn a thong in my life.

  12. ap says:

    You have made at least one anonymous poster so very very happy and I Thank You for that. sniff You are sob hot

  13. Aaron says:

    Sorry I came late to this discussion, but I wholeheartedly agree with both Goat and the anonymous poster. There are entirely too many women in this world making entirely too little effort to look hot. It is a tragedy of epic proportions, and it must stop. Why, the number of potentially babe-olicious women in Seattle alone whose potential hotness is spoiled by dreads and nose rings and baggy clothes and lack of makeup is just egregious. For shame! Aaron wants eye candy! Aaron is dissatisfied!

  14. ap says:

    any sort of piercings including nose rings etc. and or any other types of self-mutilation including self surgeries amputations multiple amputations and the like are hot. as are lotsa tattoos. However, I cannot emphasise enough NO THONGS. hey btw nice countertops

  15. Joey says:

    What the…? KT..get a thong so you can scare off mister self-mutilation. I’ll give you one of mine ;)Wow!

  16. ap says:

    I didn’t do it.

  17. Aaron says:

    Yeeeeeeeah, I’m gonna have to ask you to go ahead and post something new. So, if you could just do that right now, that would be greeeeeat….

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