Truth, Dare, Double Dare, Promise or Repeat

Remember that game? I was thinking about it the other day. Picture this sweet little seven-year-old girl with a buzz-cut sitting around with a few other seven year olds, sometimes of both genders, when an evil little smirk crosses her lips and she says, “Let’s play Truth-Dare-DoubeDare-Promise-Or-Repeat.”

Truth be told, I was always hoping someone would dare me to kiss someone, but we were never that brave. I had to somehow work that into the blank cards when playing the UnGame. There was also the game “I Never” where someone says something scandalous or at least somewhat interesting that they have NEVER done and anyone who has done that has to raise their hand. This got to be more embarrassing as you got older, but also a bit revealing and damaging when people would use it to test out who was getting a jumpstart on the promiscuity. I can remember a few girls who were ostracized after this game. Never trust a middle schooler. I was not one these girls: neither the young harlot nor the one to shun said girl.

Anyhow, since we are all sick of the frightening baby picture that’s been sitting here on my blog, I’m taking a cue from Luke and going to offer up a challenge.

Let’s play Truth or Dare. Keep it clean, or at least clean enough my parents wouldn’t be horrified. And perhaps let’s avoid felonies.

You may be asking, which is it? Truth-Dare-DoubleDare-Promise-Or-Repeat. I say all. Bring it on. All actions, requests, or challenges will be executed or at least reported here.

Side note: I didn’t know the UnGame was a Christian game at the time I was playing it, but doesn’t that make it all the more sinful that I turned it into a kissing game?

5 thoughts on “Truth, Dare, Double Dare, Promise or Repeat

  1. Joey says:

    Well..who goes first?

  2. gtvc says:

    Thumbsucker is being made into a movie. It opens in NY and LA next weekend (Sept. 16). Keanu Reeves is playing a goddamned Doctor in it! These things I tell you, they aren’t lies. =] Will you see it????

  3. kt says:

    I thought of you, Gary, and of Michigan immediately when I saw that trailer. I WILL see the movie, but it looks like they may have changed it too much and I also cringed at the sight of Keanu. It’d be cool if I could fly to NY to see it, but alas, I’m broke.

    btw, glad to hear you were not in New Orleans when this all went down. I was worried.

  4. Christy says:

    I dare you, Katie, to find a parking lot and dance topless in it…and remember your friends in Cali=)

  5. Joey says:

    Katie…I dare you to go on a trip with me sometime!!!

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