Killing them with Mind Bullets

You may recall that I put an offer on a house some time around the beginning of June and you may be asking if I love my new place, did i find a roommate, congratulations, or any other questions and/or platitudes you would send my way.

You know what I would answer? I don’t have my fucking house yet.

Can I tell you how frustrated I am? Can I tell you that even though I’ve tried to keep a positive attitude and enjoy the fact I’m saving money every day this is postponed, I still can’t stop the screaming inside my head?

I realized today (actually it’s been a gradual acceptance) that I am more depressed over this whole house thing that I thought I was. I want so badly to be in my house, but all this waiting and not knowing is killing me. We were supposed to close on August 19th, which already felt like forever because it was over two months after the day we made the offer. But the builders are slow, irresponsible, finger pointing, blame shifting, incompetent asses who are dangling my unfinished house in my face like a two year old and then running off squealing with delight while I cry.

I have been eating non-stop, gained 14 pounds in 7 weeks, my body hurts, I have nightmares every night, and I’m fighting more with everyone because I’m so fucking sick of waiting. My room is a mess because I thought I’d be moving soon so I figured I’d just pack it up instead of clean it up (it’s been months). My health has deteriorated because I planned on all sorts of “taking care of me” stuff when I moved in to my own place. I bought a couch, where you pick out the fabric and they have to send away for it and it takes forever, but I timed the delivery perfectly with the second or maybe it was third predicted closing date and the couch is ready and I’m being charged every day I make them hold onto it while I wait for my motherfucking house.

I leave for Spokane for nine weeks on Sunday. I close on the house the following Friday (don’t even get me started on how messy this has gotten with me being out of town at this time). I arranged to come home the day after I close so I can move all my stuff out of my sister’s place into mine and then fly back to Spokane, leaving my house messy and unoccupied. It breaks my heart, but that’s my plan.

Then today I get a call that we may not close on the 23rd. “The paving may not be done. We just don’t know. Definitely by the end of the month, but can’t be sure.” Fuck my ass. This is absurd.

All I want to do is cry, which is getting in the way of the telekinetic killing power I’m trying to strike down upon them. Shoot me now. No more putting on my happy face. I’ve cracked.

14 thoughts on “Killing them with Mind Bullets

  1. Christy says:

    Katie! I am so sorry! I wish that I could come up there and beat up your builders. LOVE YOU!!! That’s all I got.

  2. tonjaD says:

    I feel your pain KT.

  3. Joey says:

    Katie…Don’t cry out loud. Just keep it inside, and learn how to hide your fellings. WHAT???? That song is so fucking stupied! Find out where these mo’fo’s live, take the squating position, and shit on their paved driveway!!! The Aristocrates!

  4. Scott says:

    That fucking sucks. I feel your pain though – it’s like when I put my first offer on a house and the sellers disappeared for nearly three months with my earnest money and left me dangling and still in contract, unable to make a new offer on a different house or close on the first one. I think I lost 20 pounds (in a bad way) and felt like I aged 5 years. Some people just suck, and that definitely includes your builders.

  5. mattie says:

    hang in there kt. buying a house is plain the most exhausting harrowing confusing fucked up time. possible the most excrutiating time of my life too except for the night of my birth which also seemed pretty hard on everybody.
    i really wanted to hurt people i liked. those people now bring me bottles of makers with ribbons for getting through it. i’ll bring you one too, when it’s all over.

  6. burnsey says:


    Come over ASAP on Sunday… I have a bottle of Makers with your name on it. I will also cook dinner and you can unload all of your frustrations. Once life will settle down, you will return to homeostasis (body and mind). my love is sent to you and i will send mind bullets to the fucking builders who are torturing a nice person.

  7. Mad says:

    Hmm, just wait until they deal with your protective older sister while she inspects your place mercilessly next week and wreaks havoc on their world!

    Um, so can you put a new blog entry up because every time I read this one I want to slam some heads. 🙂

  8. Sarah says:

    When my ex and I bought our first house it was a nightmare. We had our own Realitor, so did the seller. We went into esgrow in September and moved in 24 dec after threatening to kick their realitor’s ass if he didn’t give us the keys. In between we found 1. Part of the mortage app was lost and we had to do another one 2. because we went NEAMIA their realitor wasn’t going to get as big a chunk and was telling the seller our loan wasn’t going through and to find another sellers 3. there was no such house in that area with an acre in the back and a studio apt. in the front so pulling property comps was impossible. I feel your pain. Our second house was ReMax and closed in two weeks.

  9. Sarah says:

    did I mention the bitch got both. lost one to bankruptcy rents the other.

  10. Simon says:

    If life seems jolly rotten,
    There’s something you’ve forgotten!
    And that’s to laugh and smile and dance and sing,

    When you’re feeling in the dumps,
    Don’t be silly chumps,
    Just purse your lips and whistle — that’s the thing!
    And… always look on the bright side of life…

    For life is quite absurd,
    And death’s the final word.
    You must always face the curtain with a bow!
    Forget about your sin — give the audience a grin,
    Enjoy it — it’s the last chance anyhow!

    So always look on the bright side of death!
    Just before you draw your terminal breath.
    Life’s a piece of sh*t,
    When you look at it.

    Life’s a laugh and death’s a joke, it’s true,
    You’ll see it’s all a show,
    Keep ’em laughing as you go.
    Just remember that the last laugh is on you!

    And always look on the bright side of life…

  11. TonjaD says:

    Your newly painted and carpeted empty house looks really good,kid!

  12. Kris says:

    Simon is a dork.

  13. kt says:

    I bet simon would be shocked to know that I used to be accused of being too optimistic. In my old age I’ve gotten a little bitter or negative, but my good friend Scott accuses me of never wanting to hear anything bad so I guess there’s a little left in me.

  14. […] ris held an intimate get poker party at their apartment in celebration of that, as well as Katie’s new house (which we all helped her move into earlier that da […]

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