Kris! Kris! Kris! Altogether now! Yeah Kris!

Today Kris taught a class on CSS to about 15 of us at the Foundation. I have to say, for never having taught it before (besides one on one in random spurts) it went really well. I think people are going to ask for a repeat of the class as the word spreads that we are now all addicted to CSS. When that happens, he’s going to have it all smooth and stylin’.

Aside from the added tips and tricks he taught us, I thoroughly enjoyed watching him feverishly write on the white board. He is right handed, but writes as a left hander would. Then he leaves out letters or reverses them, not out of a dislexic panic, but more out of sheer enthusiasm. It made me feel oh so much better about my own white board/post-it board stylin’s of the past. Cheryl leaned over in class and whispered to me, “He must make you feel so much better.”

I have a tendency as well to leave letters out, giving the misconception that I am a terrible speller, which is just not so. I also have no rhyme or reason to my charts so I tend to draw lines and then write over them haphazardly. Ah, the beauty of displaying your terrible handwriting for a class. Now you know why I keep a blog. Writing in a book would be pointless as it would be illegible.

10 thoughts on “Kris! Kris! Kris! Altogether now! Yeah Kris!

  1. Sarah says:

    I remember that handwriting…couldn’t read a darn thing you wrote. Maybe someday you’ll transcribe what you wrote in my yearbook. I shouldn’t talk I can neither write nor spell

  2. KT says:

    I’d be interested to know whay I wrote in your yearbook too. It’s probably some horribly generic dribble. I’m a terrible person. I went through my yearbook a few years back and some of the people who wrote in it, I can’t even remember who they are. And others wrote some seriously personal or sweet stuff. I was amazed.

  3. Ruth says:

    Yeah, let’s all stick to the keyboard…although, it’s probably good for Kris to be humbled a bit with the whiteboard since he’s reaching such a high guru status…

  4. Sarah says:

    Actually, I think it was about that poem I wrote for you and something about how you never had time for coffee. Maybe someday we’ll get that cup of joe.

  5. Sarah says:

    I think Amanda is a checkout girl at the Albertson’s here.

  6. Max says:

    I wish I had been in that class, I could use a refresher on CSS. Hey KT, when you gonna help me with MT? I love acronyms. TMMFSG (They Make Me Feel So Good)

  7. Christy says:

    I think your handwriting is very….hmmm…unique! I still think you should write a are just way too good at life story telling!

  8. KT says:

    Amanda at the Albertson’s? That would be funny. I thought she was in Portland, but that was a while ago. I remember that cup of coffee we didn’t have. Maybe next time I’m in Monterey.

    Christy! I’m such a lousy friend. I need to call you soon! Thanks for putting up with my slacker contact.

  9. Christy says:

    Katie- you haven’t made my slacker lousy friend list yet…especially now that you have this great web site where I can see what you are doing and what you are up to. Um, I didn’t mean that to sound as stalkerish as it did! Love ya!

  10. kt says:

    It’s okay. Having a stalker can be flattering. Sometimes. 🙂

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